• Electro Acupuncture (E-Stim)

  • Electroacupuncture/Electric Stimulation/E-Stim, all refer to the same technique which involves attaching metal wires to acupuncture needles and running a current through the needles to stimulate the acupoints. E-Stim is effective in addressing certain conditions such as arthritis and other chronic pain conditions, multiple sclerosis, muscle atrophy, bell’s palsy, traumas to the musculoskeletal system, addition, depression, and many more. It can also be used to accelerate tissue healing in the case of wounds, ulcers, and the like. This technique can enhance the healing effect of standard acupuncture treatments in some circumstances. The patient will generally feel little to no sensation from the current on the needles.

    E-stim is different than TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, delivering low voltage current via electrodes placed on the surface of the skin), which some western health care providers (Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, etc) use as part of their treatments. Acupuncturists use E-stim with needles in order to reach a deeper level of muscles/nerves to stimulate and assist with strengthening and rehabilitating the affected area. TENS is primarily used to relieve pain by way of temporary stimulation of superficial nerves and muscles.

    The E-Stim machine we use is from an American manufacturer and has been approved by the FDA for use in medical settings.

    Patients with implanted electrical devices, such as pacemakers, are not candidates for E-stim therapy.

    If you are interested in receiving E-Stim for your medical condition, please contact our office to inquire about treatment with Dr. Quang Vu.

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