• Office Policies during Covid-19 Outbreak

  • Updated on 4/16/2021

    We have instituted several new safety measures above and beyond what we have always done to keep you safe and healthy during your clinic visits. Know that we have also taken great care to ensure that your experience with us remains one of calm, peacefulness, and Zen, as it always has.

    If you are feeling anxious, know that everyone who walks into our facility wears a mask, has their temperature taken, and has been screened for symptoms and known exposure to covid-19. Your treatment table and surfaces in the treatment room have been sanitized right before you arrive using a non-toxic, EPA approved disinfectant that leaves no fumes or chemicals behind. Imagine if the grocery store was this conscientious!


    Things To Do Ahead Of Time

    If you haven’t visited us since early 2020 and your insurance has changed, send us the new details by clicking here.

    Log into our online scheduling site here and save a credit card to your profile (email us if you’re having trouble). This will aid in contactless checkout. Make sure your updated address is there, too. 

    Ensure that you have a well-fitting, clean cloth face covering or mask that you can wear to your appointment. You will be required to wear a face covering for the duration of your treatment. We are following CDC guidelines which state that single layer neck “gaiters”, bandanas, and masks with valves or vents are not acceptable for preventing the spread of covid-19. You must wear a cloth mask that fits snugly over your nose and mouth and remain that way the entire time you are in the clinic. This is required even if you are fully vaccinated at this time. 

    If possible, arrive to your appointment wearing loose-fitting clothing (sleeves roll up above elbows; pant legs roll up above knees). We have gowns available for those of you coming from work who may not have time to change.

    If you tend to be cold during your treatments, we have heat lamps available as always, but will not be able to provide blankets due to sanitation procedures in place at this time. You may bring a blanket with you, if you wish.

    Contact us ahead of your appointment if you have any questions about our ability to make sure you are comfortable.


    Arriving for your acupuncture appointment

    Please ensure that you arrive to the parking lot 5 minutes prior to the start of your appointment time and proceed upstairs to our office. If you arrive early, please call us before coming up to see if we can take you early. We want to avoid patients waiting in the waiting room as much as possible.

    Any visitors arriving with you will need to remain in the car, other than when the patient is a minor. In that case, one guardian is permitted to be in the clinic with the patient. Please do not bring children with you if they are not receiving treatment.

    Because of the additional efforts we are undertaking, late arrivals may not be able to be accommodated and may be subject to a $25 rescheduling fee.

    Upon entering the clinic, you will be screened for symptoms related to Covid-19. We have and will continue to update our screening questions as CDC and local guidelines change. Should you fail the screening, your practitioner will determine any treatment we can provide to you remotely until the symptoms resolve.


    Here is the current set of screening questions:

    If you are fully vaccinated (at least 2 weeks have passed since you received the last dose required for your vaccination type), you can receive treatment today if you are not experiencing symptoms consistent with Covid-19.

    If you are not fully vaccinated, you can receive treatment today if all of the following are TRUE:

      • In the last 24 hours, you have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications
      • You have not had a cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath that started in the last 10 days
      • You have not tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 10 days
      • If you have been exposed to a person with Covid-19 OR you have travelled outside of Maryland/DC/Virginia to a state with a Covid-19 test positivity rate over 10%:
        • 10 days have since passed during which you have not had any symptoms, or
        • 7 days have since passed during which you have not had any symptoms, AND you have since tested negative for Covid-19


    Upon passing the screening, you will be directed to enter the clinic wearing a cloth face covering at all times. We will take your temperature to ensure that you do not have a fever.

    Contactless Check-Out

    We will charge the card you have on file with us to avoid spreading germs by passing the card back and forth. This is our preferred payment method.

    If you prefer to pay by check, you can leave the “To” line blank and we will stamp it.

    If you prefer to pay in cash, we will not be able to make change. You will carry a credit on your account for any overpayment you make.

    You may book your follow-up appointments online, by phone, or upon checkout as usual.





































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